Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Today's Path

Aha!!!  I really am still around, just been attending to other things that's all.  I know some of you may be wondering...what is that girl up to know.  Well I can tell you...BIG things...and well that's about all that I can tell you right now.  hahaha
It has been a kinda hectic week, however all for the best.  Days has signed up to compete in her first skating competition in February.  So it has meant some longer nights at the arena for extra lessons.  One of the coaches has lent her an outfit, so she is covered there and I found her a pair of skating tights (finally) at a sports store.  If she keeps at this figure skating thang, I am going to need to find a figure skating store.

Zo had her Winter Piano Recital.  When we went to leave I asked "Zo aren't you going to bring your sheet music?"  She quite matter of factly informed me that she had in memorized, and she didn't need them.  Well she was quite right indeed.  She nailed both of her songs, and impressed the hell out of me, and her teacher said she was really impressed that she didn't bring any sheets up!!!  A bit of a brainiac.  As her treat for doing so well I asked her if there was anything I could get her.  You'll never believe it, and you'll likely think I'm exaggerating or bragging or something.  But seriously, my seven year old asked me if I could get her the "twilight" book!!!  I told her that it might be a bit too old for her...but really how do you say no to that.   She wants ot read a book that is far out of her league of understanding.  Do you say no?  You have to read a simpler book?  She was already reading "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown.  I think she is seeing me read and wants to read what mom's reading.   I decided to buy it for her.  She couldn't be prouder.  She let me know that she is on "page 17 already" tonight.  If anyone thinks I'm nuts for buying it for her.  Oh well.  I could be doing worse....I could be buying her junk food, or buying her sleezy teen magazines ( I personally like the sleezy magazines) I could be buying her a zillion other crap things.  But this time...I bought her what she really wanted.  And glad I did.

Saturday evening we had the pleasure of hanging out with some new friends and some old fam.  And we had a really fantastic time.  We have been lucky enough to have a new couple and their little guy (who is truly one of the most amazing little guys I've met for being 4, that and he's really a cutie) move just down the road from us.  We live on a street that is a bit highly populated by retirees whom we rarely see as they often spend the majority of the year in the south, so it is really exciting to have some people we can relate to in age, and in interests.  Also, considering the girls and I have only been here for a little over a year, it's especially nice for me to meet someone that I can connect with. 

I have found over the years that we lose touch with friendships.  We go to school, we move away, we get married, we have kids....yet our needs for friendship, and socializing don't ever stop.  But all of these other things get in the way.  Perhaps not for everyone.  Certainly for me.  I have only a few friends that I still keep in contact with from high school.  Even then it seems to be very infrequent due to the distance.  Really there is no one to blame but myself.  I have changed paths a few times in my life, and have failed to keep those lines of communication open.  So all of you high school friends reading this now (and other friends & fam)  I apologize for not keeping in touch.  I suck at picking up the phone.  I really do.  Often I spend so much time communicating throughout the day, that I just want to avoid having to connect when I get home.  So I'm sorry.  I promise to try to make more of an effort.  Feel free to do the same!!!

Anyway the idea of having a new friend so nearby, and with so many similar qualities (seemingly), I am quite thrilled.  So don't turn out to be one of those snobs that acts like you don't know me even though we've chatted and hung out and cuz we have cell phones and big screen tvs!!!!  (All of you that don't get that line...don't worry, it's an inside joke!!!)  I look forward to a year of new friendships, adventures and paths.

As the next few weeks unfold I look forward to smiling more, sleeping more, walking on the Lake more (it's frozen), blogging more, reading more(reading The Big Idea right now, thanks AM), and eating some chocolate in bed.  (Again if you don't get the chocolate thing, that just means it's not meant for you to get xixixi)

Signing off...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Whew...there it goes again...

...I really think that I could likely just write everyday about how quickly time goes by, and everything that I didn't get done.  And I'm sure that there is some analyst out there that is reading this and saying...slow down, nothing is so imporant that you can't just stop and not do it.  But you see I disagree!!!  Wholeheartily!!!  I think believe that everything I do is worth something, and important.  I know that if I clean up the dishes before I go to bed that I will feel better in the morning when I don't have to struggle to clear the counter to make breakfast.  I know that when I tidy up the living room when it's a mess that my loved ones will be more comfortable relaxing in there when they get there.  I know that if I tidy the shoes by the doorway, that no one is going to trip coming in the house and fall down the stairs.  I know that when I help out at the arena, that my daughter feels like she is a part of something.  This new year I really seem to be struggling with how to balance my life.  Everything I read says that you don't have to do everything.  But what if doing all of those things really makes you feel good.  I often think about all of the other things I would do if I didn't have to go into an office everyday to work.  I think about...what if my work was all of those things that I want to do, love to do, makes me feel good to do.  Just how can I make that happen.  I'm convinced that I can make that happen.  It's just the how part I need to work a little more on.

Today my day flew!  After working all day, Cam picked me up and off we went to the 2nd Puppy Training class.  (First we rushed to pick up the babysitter, and a prescription for a family member that was unable to, that we had to have someone else pick up because the pharmacy was backed up)  Whew...we barely made it to class on time.  And wow...I'm not sure what I thought puppy class would be like, but it was certainly nothing like I expected.  I actually had a headache afterwards.  And I don't get headaches.  It was certainly a whirlwind.  Around 8 other dogs, and their owners and some other companion in a room all trying like mad to get their dog to listen to them and not the other 8 owners yelling commands such as "watch me" and "come" and "down".  It was too much for me, I can't imagine how tiring it must be for the dogs.  We survived though and I like to think that we came away with something.....I just wish the instructors didn't have the crazy liver treats that distract Jack even more away from us.

Spent but a few moments with the girls before it was cleanup and bed time.  Then I shut all of the lights off and headed up to our newly renovated bedroom, to try to enjoy it.  I copied my schedule for January into my new daytimer.  (I know I'm a little behind)  That's when I realized how quickly time is flying by.  My goal was to write a blog as often as I could (in my convoluted dreams I was thinking daily)  It is also my goal to get to bed earlier (hehehe), and to wake up earlier (what was I thinking).  I am working on it.  The writing a blog daily is not happening - yet.  The getting to bed earlier is happening, I just need to work on getting there even earlier 9:30 is goal.  And well the waking up earlier thing is a real struggle.  I am convinced that the darkness in the morning is my biggest weakness, however really I think that invention they call the snooze button on my blackberry is the real culprit.  I think Cam needs to start waking up when it goes off, and dragging me out of bed for one of his Starbucks cafe latte's....what was I thinking Cam doesn't do mornings.

Boy do I need help.

Well I will try to get off writing about not having enough time, and try to organize better so that I have more enjoyable time.

BTW - Days got a B+ on her William Lyon Mackenzie King project.  She did awesome and I couldn't be prouder!!

signing off...


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's a ponytail day...

You know how you get up in the morning sometimes, and well you really just don't want to get up!!!  I have those mornings often!  As hard as I try - i set my alarm for 6am everyday - I can rarely drag my ass out.  Funny thing is that once I'm up, I'm wide awake, ready to go.  I think maybe I need some real exciting motivation to get up as soon as my alarm goes off.  I have a great job, we have a puppy, I could read the newspaper before everyone else gets up...there are so many reasons...they just don't seem to be doing it for me.  I am completely open to suggestions so please, please leave some comments for me.  Something funny, fun, inspirational...whatever I NEED HELP with this!!!

This morning was definitely a pontytail day.  I was up at 6:30 the prior morning and well I didn't really give in until way after 11pm.  and when I mean give in, I mean that aside from sitting at my desk all day working, I never really sat and done nothing all day.  (this is pretty typical of most days) However yesterday really seemed to tire me out!!  I am always in awe of those that can jump on the couch after work and just chill or have a nap, or even those who can get into bed by 9pm.  I have some obsessive disorder that prevents me from doing that!  I really in my mind want to just chill and read a book or watch a little tv or have a nap, but I never do and I don't know why.  Come on I know some of you out there have taken physchology in school there must be an explanation for it.  Personality...or personality disorder...it's definitely something.  Let's figure it out!!

Anyhow I did have an exciting night last night though.  After work the girls and I hung out, had perogies and salad (zos favorite dish).  Listened to Zo practice for her piano recital.  Cam had the first puppy training class with Jack last night...apparently it went over really well.  The instructor did mention to everyone that Jack was a Chesepeke Bay Retriever and that was how they acted....I wasn't there, so I'm not quite sure how that comment was given, however Cam tells me that he was a little rambuncious.  Funny though he learned all of the commands easiest of all the breeds.  I look forward to attending the remaining classes.  I think that it will be good for Jack and for us!!!  You know I've always wondered how much the trainers spend on training the owner rather than the dog!!! hahaha. 

I wasn't able to attend the training, as I was attending another very big night at the Orillia Opera House http://www.orilliaoperahouse.ca/ for a new friend Amy Campbell and her band The Gnomes.  Check them out on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2374185963&ref=ts And check out the myspace page to get a taste of their music http://www.myspace.com/stopgnomeslaver   Well another friend of mine and I attended the show...sorry we attempted to attend, however when we got to the Opera House we learned that the show was SOLD OUT!!!  What luck for us, but how very exciting for THE GNOMES!!!  We were able to sit in the lounge though and watch on the big screen.  We weren't the only ones who were unable to get tickets so we had people to visit with!!!  I am so proud of Amy and her group for taking the plunge into a career with such a challenging future, yet with her talent the future is looking pretty damn good!!!  Make sure that you check out her sites and become a fan, and keep posted for upcoming events.  This gal is a STAR and we will be seeing a great deal more of her!!!  GO AMY and THE GNOMES.  We did mention that we would be her gnomes on stage if she could get us in, but the door man already had us in his sights, and was no way no how letting us through!!!!  hahaha

So back to the ponytail day...I got in a little late lastnight and well didn't crash till even later and needless to say I definitely did not get up early enough to do anything with my hair.  I was lucky to crawl into the shower and get the girls going and get into work by 8:30.  So ponytail it is, and well even though my ears were a little colder than usual today, the day seemed to go well.

Figure skating tonight with Days and then off to Guides.  Back home to try to fit in some Wii with Zo and attempt that couch moment with one of my new book from xmas.  Ok I forgot, I have to get some stuff ready for tomorrow night....but on the upside, I'm going to get to bed earlier tonight!!!!
Signing off...


Sunday, January 10, 2010


Isn't it always so much fun when we take the time to celebrate.  Whether it's a birthday, a new job, a new home, a new baby...there's just so much that we can celebrate the possiblilities are endless.

This weekend I had the pleasure of celebrating my significant other's birthday!!!  His name is Cam  I won't reveal how many birthday's he has been able to celebrate in his lifetime.  However if you know him you would know he has more than a few decades under his belt!!!  (Cam when you read this, just remember that I love you with all my heart, and anything I say about your age is all in good fun, and know that I know you are as young as you feel and I know you feel 25, so that's all that matters!!! XI)  Anyway, we had a fantastic weekend!  Not only did we spend that majority of the weekend together, but we actually had a lot of fun.  Friday night we drove the girls to meet their dad, and I had a great laugh as about an hour into the drive all three of them were sleeping.  I snapped a hilarious pic of Cam with his earphones on, his head tilted back and his mouth ever so slightly open...catching flies as my mom would say!  Although we tend to do a lot of driving, and the passengers often fall asleep on our sometimes long commutes on the 400 series of highways, I get a bit of joy in my heart knowing that we're together...just together!

We slipped in a quick shopping trip in Newmarket, ON on the way back and discovered that we really cannot figure out why Costco http://www.costco.ca/ closes their doors so early on a Friday evening when there seems to be so many people out and about.  8:30 pm seems so early to me, however I suppose it's not so early for the employees...anyway we always seem to come across them as they are closing the doors.

Saturday was great!  Cam had the chance to sleep in, which really is very rare in his vocabulary anymore.  We headed to our usual breakfast joint for a made for us breakfast.  I must say I am glad they don't have the stuffed bear sitting in front of the patio door this winter.  It really creeps me out...likely the next time we go it will be there, just because I dislike it so.  I suppose it does help to block the cold off the Lake.  Anyway, you just can't beat a great breaky at the Harbour, and the always funny visit with Darlene.  Who by the way has recently gotten a fabulous new haircut that I absolutely love!!!  Hope she keeps it!!!  Somehow the morning got away from us, and we rushed to get to the dump (as we needed to rid of our renovation trash).  There were a few comments that our balcony was looking a little Port Boster-ish.  It was nice to lose that look.  We had an always amusing visit with Uncle Phil, who was hanging out in our living room utilizing our highspeed access.  Uncle Phil is one man I truly adore.  He really is a crazy smart guy, who happens to have a lot of useless information to share.  A bit of an extrovert one would say, and well only has a few oddities.  Ok maybe quite a few.  But I really love Phil.  Anyway, our evening of celebrating began with a drive back to the city of Newmarket, and The Keg http://kegsteakhouse.com/en/ where as always the food was exceptional.  It is crazy that every time we go there is always a lineup.  We have only once waited to be seated in the dining room (as I have very little patience) and often choose to eat in the bar area.  You get the same food and the service is always great!!!  I really recommend going there sometime if you never have!!!  We headed to the movie theatre across the way and took in the movie "Sherlock Homes"!  Robert Downey Jr is in it. (He is one of my favs)  The movie was phenomenal.  I loved it, and can't wait for the sequel.  We spent a good hour after the movie's playing in the arcade area.  The kids that do the Dancing Games really are impressive.  We have recently acuired the game Dance Dance Revolution 3 for our Wii, and well we really suck compared to the kids at the arcade.  It's actually kind of embarrassing (to us old folk) that these kids can process the arrows moving accross the screen as quickly as they do.  You need to check out this video I found on Youtube of this 5 year kid...unbelievable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JzcqALklRs .

Anyway we ended the weekend with a great celebration with family at Cam's mom's house.  The food was amazing, the cake was pretty good (I made it), and the company was perfect as usual.  The gifts varied, thanks to the fine gifts that everyone around this small town likes to "regift".  They could teach you a few details or two of "The Art of Regifting"  No shame!!!  hahahaha.  We even got in a little bit of Dance Dance Revolution.  I think there will be a few challenge nights coming up....I could tell that Libby caught a little bit of a bug...I could so see her getting hooked on it!!!  haha

We need to celebrate more often.  It's just too much fun.  If you have any ideas for some good things to celebrate, let me know. 

The cupcake club is meeting for our monthly girls night out this month, and we have a theme...we all need to come dressed at a tourist.  I have a really good idea of how I will be attending.  But I still have a few weeks to change my mind.   I can't wait, it's gonna be a blast.  I'll keep you filled in on it.

Signing off...


Friday, January 8, 2010

Where does the time go???

It always amazes me that I can work on a project at work that seemingly goes by quickly, yet before I know it the day is gone.  I look at the girls often and say to myself where does the time go?  I can remember just like it was yesterday when they were little babies and nursing them in the rocking chair in the middle of the night.  They are 10 & 7 now.  Where does the time go?  I remember getting married and how vivid that day is in my memory, like it was yesterday....I'm divorced now, and wish I could completely forget that day happened!!!  haha  Where does the time go???  Often times I will have conversations with friends and we always say..."let's have lunch", or "let's go out to the show" or " lets grab a coffee sometime and catch up". the time goes so quickly that it is months later and that has never happened.  Where does the time go?

Is there truly no time in the day to just sit and watch people walk by while catching up with a friend and a coffee?  Or do we choose to do other insignificant things to avoid getting caught up in conversation that takes more time?  Is it hard to believe that our kids have grown up so fast?  Or is it because we have been so busy doing everything else that we forget to watch them grow up?  Time seems to be of the most important thing in everyone's lives.  Often when you ask people what they wish they had more of....sure money comes up, sometimes a material item they wish they had...however more often than anything you will hear people say "I wish I had more time in the day",  "If only there was more time", "If I had an extra hour", "Sorry but I just don't have time".  Has it always been this way?  I remember my grandparents never seemed to be in a rush to go anywhere.  They nonchalantly went through their day, as though everything that was going to happen would happen eventually.  If not today...then someday.

This is what I strive for, in a more modern time.  To come home, and hang out for a bit.  Make some dinner.  Take some time to find out what's happening with everyone.  Maybe make a phone call to someone I haven't talked to in awhile.  Pick up a book and do some reading, until I get drowsy and fall into a slumber.  Yes this I could handle. 

Ok...so now I know what I want.  It's just how to get to that point, while the kids are asking for this that and the other thing.  Homework needs to be done (and there seems to be a never ending supply of it), the laundry machine is always going, training a new puppy, cleaning the house (everyday seemingly).  How do you get there.  The housecleaning is my biggest crux.  I am able to chill out and relax when I know that things are picked up and in their place...yet nothing ever seems to be where it should be, and no one ever seems to care that things are never where they should be.  Except when someone is looking for something.  hahahaha  Where do you find the time to clean every single day?  I know the best answer...HIRE A HOUSEKEEPER!

Ok I need to find out the cost involved and start working toward that!  If I could rid my calendar of cleaning, I would have no reason to ask where does all my time go!  I would have plenty more time to just chill and watch Hannah Montana with the girls.  Or grab lunch and a coffee with my man on a Saturday afternoon.

Molly Maid here I come....


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Grade 5 and William Lyon Mackenzie King

I can honestly say that I do not remember much about grade 5.  I can say that if it is anything like grade 5 is now...I'm sure that I really did not enjoy it.  My oldest daughter is working on...just finished a project on the 10th Prime Minister of Canada.  These are very stressful times in our household.  For starters, I do not remember learning anything about Prime Ministers in primary school, and anything that I did learn about Prime Ministers later on certainly did not help with this project.  Thankfully we have this mighty thing we call the "information highway".  Politics has changed so much since 1900.  HELLO!!!!  Needless to say, my ten year can hardly pronounce politics, does not understand what a political scandal is, and really doesn't get what a Senator does or why it is important that King appointed the First Female Senator in Canadian History!!!  WOW, I'm tired just rehashing it!!!  It all good though, because the report is now finished, printed and ready to hand in.  Now comes the hard part.  She has to present her report in front of the class in a first person manner.  She is a little worried about dressing up as a man, and getting all of her words right.  She is having a hard time with Harvard the word University and damn Politics.  She keeps saying policies instead.  But when the word policy comes up she says politics.  Is there any other parent out there that can possible relate to my pain.  All I really want is to help her succeed...however it's really quite exhausting. 

On the upside I have learned a great deal about Mr. William Lyon Mackenzie King.  Did you know that he is the longest serving Prime Minister in Canadian History, serving for 21 years 154 days in total.  He was never married.  And apparently Mr. King was quite eccentric....however highly educated, and had a good heart.  Not a very popular PM in regards to his opinions, however he must have done something right.

I hope that my daughter remembers all of this when she is 33, and every once in a while I will quiz her on Mackenzie King.  Because as much thought as I have put into what I remember from when I was in grade 5...well I really can't.  I was 10, and remember spending a lot of time outside playing with my brother.  I think we were living in Brantford at the time.  That was a time when the ice cream guy would ride through the streets and yell "get your ice cream, get your ice cream"  I don't even know who the Prime Minister was when I was ten.  I'm pretty sure it was Brian Mulroney...yes, yes it was.

Regardless of the amount of time, stress surrounding the project (mostly for me), and the understanding barrier, my daughter is extremely proud of this project.  And I'm sure she will do fantastic presenting it in front of her class tomorrow.  I will keep you posted on how she does!

Well one of my goals in 2010 is to get to bed earlier, so that I can get up earlier in the morning and get more things done before the day gets motoring, so...

signing off.....


p.s.  I'm not sure if I'll get to sleep any earlier though...it's really eating me that I can't remember what I was doing when I was ten.....

New Year....New Resolutions....All New!!!!

It's a new year...like we don't already know that!  I know...but we all say it.  For me this year is going to be big.  I've decided to become "Jack'd Up!"  What exactly does that mean you may ask?  Well I'm not sure I can answer that comepletely right now...but for sure it means new and great things for me and everyone around me.  I resolve to be more positive with me, with my kids (even when I really just want to send them to a permanent place in the house that is hidden away and no one knows where the key is except me), and of course I resolve to be more positive with my significant other.  Who is completely awesome, and considering all of the crazy ideas I've had and followed through with, continues to stand by my side. XIXIXI
He is my constant, and backs me up all the time.  In fact I'm not sure where I would be today if he wasn't there for me this past couple of years...but those are of course stories within themselves...for another day!

Today is the new me.  Kinda!  I mean I look the same, and I'm certainly not any lighter.  However I am from this day forward giving everything my all.  I'm not sure if I should be taking on more tasks, or just following my dreams (unfortunately my chequing account does not allow that at this time), which could take me all over the world, or just being a better person to those closest to me.  I will try to figure that out soon...I promise...in the meantime you should know a little about me.

Just the basics.  I'm 33.  I have two beautiful daughters who are currently 7 & 10.  Most days they act their age, however the other times they think they are acting like they are older or more mature, unfortunately really I feel like they are acting like two year olds.  All and all they really are amazing.  I have a boyfriend who is truly "The Man".  He's handsome, he works hard, he has a great outlook, he is uber-funny, he loves me, he loves my kids, he has an amazing family and I really love him!!!  We both have our own homes...which gets a little hairy at times.  Mine is in the Niagara area, and his is on Lake Simcoe.  Only 3 hours apart...not so bad.  But not permanent, we hope to sell in the spring...the house in Niagara.  We have a cat.  His name is Ginger, or Dog, or G Kitty or Ging...whatever the mood is, they all suit him well.  We have also recently acquired a puppy.  He's cute...and well we all fell in love after about ohhhh...30 seconds.  His name is Jack.  He's a Chesapeake Bay Retriever and well..,I will love him more once he is 100% house trained.  He's 13 weeks old now...soon....

I also have odd family and friends and groups and clubs that I'm a part of and can't wait to talk more about.  There's crazy Uncle Phil (just a little extroverted), Inspring AnneMarie, my Mom, my Brother & his wife, The Cupcake Club, The Horticultural Society (very interested stuff there)...the list goes on!!!

So thats a little about me for now...if you require any blanks to be filled in feel free to leave a comment.  There shall be more exciting things to come as I ponder 2010 and just how big it is going to be, as I wonder about many things in life.  For example:  could anyone explain to me this video that's on you tube...it's really odd....


Stay tuned in, follow me, you don't want to miss out on a thing!!!

Peace out...(as my 10 year old would say)