Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Whew...there it goes again...

...I really think that I could likely just write everyday about how quickly time goes by, and everything that I didn't get done.  And I'm sure that there is some analyst out there that is reading this and saying...slow down, nothing is so imporant that you can't just stop and not do it.  But you see I disagree!!!  Wholeheartily!!!  I think believe that everything I do is worth something, and important.  I know that if I clean up the dishes before I go to bed that I will feel better in the morning when I don't have to struggle to clear the counter to make breakfast.  I know that when I tidy up the living room when it's a mess that my loved ones will be more comfortable relaxing in there when they get there.  I know that if I tidy the shoes by the doorway, that no one is going to trip coming in the house and fall down the stairs.  I know that when I help out at the arena, that my daughter feels like she is a part of something.  This new year I really seem to be struggling with how to balance my life.  Everything I read says that you don't have to do everything.  But what if doing all of those things really makes you feel good.  I often think about all of the other things I would do if I didn't have to go into an office everyday to work.  I think about...what if my work was all of those things that I want to do, love to do, makes me feel good to do.  Just how can I make that happen.  I'm convinced that I can make that happen.  It's just the how part I need to work a little more on.

Today my day flew!  After working all day, Cam picked me up and off we went to the 2nd Puppy Training class.  (First we rushed to pick up the babysitter, and a prescription for a family member that was unable to, that we had to have someone else pick up because the pharmacy was backed up)  Whew...we barely made it to class on time.  And wow...I'm not sure what I thought puppy class would be like, but it was certainly nothing like I expected.  I actually had a headache afterwards.  And I don't get headaches.  It was certainly a whirlwind.  Around 8 other dogs, and their owners and some other companion in a room all trying like mad to get their dog to listen to them and not the other 8 owners yelling commands such as "watch me" and "come" and "down".  It was too much for me, I can't imagine how tiring it must be for the dogs.  We survived though and I like to think that we came away with something.....I just wish the instructors didn't have the crazy liver treats that distract Jack even more away from us.

Spent but a few moments with the girls before it was cleanup and bed time.  Then I shut all of the lights off and headed up to our newly renovated bedroom, to try to enjoy it.  I copied my schedule for January into my new daytimer.  (I know I'm a little behind)  That's when I realized how quickly time is flying by.  My goal was to write a blog as often as I could (in my convoluted dreams I was thinking daily)  It is also my goal to get to bed earlier (hehehe), and to wake up earlier (what was I thinking).  I am working on it.  The writing a blog daily is not happening - yet.  The getting to bed earlier is happening, I just need to work on getting there even earlier 9:30 is goal.  And well the waking up earlier thing is a real struggle.  I am convinced that the darkness in the morning is my biggest weakness, however really I think that invention they call the snooze button on my blackberry is the real culprit.  I think Cam needs to start waking up when it goes off, and dragging me out of bed for one of his Starbucks cafe latte's....what was I thinking Cam doesn't do mornings.

Boy do I need help.

Well I will try to get off writing about not having enough time, and try to organize better so that I have more enjoyable time.

BTW - Days got a B+ on her William Lyon Mackenzie King project.  She did awesome and I couldn't be prouder!!

signing off...


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