Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year....New Resolutions....All New!!!!

It's a new year...like we don't already know that!  I know...but we all say it.  For me this year is going to be big.  I've decided to become "Jack'd Up!"  What exactly does that mean you may ask?  Well I'm not sure I can answer that comepletely right now...but for sure it means new and great things for me and everyone around me.  I resolve to be more positive with me, with my kids (even when I really just want to send them to a permanent place in the house that is hidden away and no one knows where the key is except me), and of course I resolve to be more positive with my significant other.  Who is completely awesome, and considering all of the crazy ideas I've had and followed through with, continues to stand by my side. XIXIXI
He is my constant, and backs me up all the time.  In fact I'm not sure where I would be today if he wasn't there for me this past couple of years...but those are of course stories within themselves...for another day!

Today is the new me.  Kinda!  I mean I look the same, and I'm certainly not any lighter.  However I am from this day forward giving everything my all.  I'm not sure if I should be taking on more tasks, or just following my dreams (unfortunately my chequing account does not allow that at this time), which could take me all over the world, or just being a better person to those closest to me.  I will try to figure that out soon...I promise...in the meantime you should know a little about me.

Just the basics.  I'm 33.  I have two beautiful daughters who are currently 7 & 10.  Most days they act their age, however the other times they think they are acting like they are older or more mature, unfortunately really I feel like they are acting like two year olds.  All and all they really are amazing.  I have a boyfriend who is truly "The Man".  He's handsome, he works hard, he has a great outlook, he is uber-funny, he loves me, he loves my kids, he has an amazing family and I really love him!!!  We both have our own homes...which gets a little hairy at times.  Mine is in the Niagara area, and his is on Lake Simcoe.  Only 3 hours apart...not so bad.  But not permanent, we hope to sell in the spring...the house in Niagara.  We have a cat.  His name is Ginger, or Dog, or G Kitty or Ging...whatever the mood is, they all suit him well.  We have also recently acquired a puppy.  He's cute...and well we all fell in love after about ohhhh...30 seconds.  His name is Jack.  He's a Chesapeake Bay Retriever and well..,I will love him more once he is 100% house trained.  He's 13 weeks old now...soon....

I also have odd family and friends and groups and clubs that I'm a part of and can't wait to talk more about.  There's crazy Uncle Phil (just a little extroverted), Inspring AnneMarie, my Mom, my Brother & his wife, The Cupcake Club, The Horticultural Society (very interested stuff there)...the list goes on!!!

So thats a little about me for now...if you require any blanks to be filled in feel free to leave a comment.  There shall be more exciting things to come as I ponder 2010 and just how big it is going to be, as I wonder about many things in life.  For example:  could anyone explain to me this video that's on you tube...it's really odd....


Stay tuned in, follow me, you don't want to miss out on a thing!!!

Peace out...(as my 10 year old would say)



  1. Good job Jackie way to go!
    I am proud of your positive and creative approach to both a new chapter in your life and the new year we have entered!
    -Julie Garland

  2. Love your new blog...and I Love You!!
    C. XIXI

  3. Is the Dover Apothecary one of your clubs that you are a part of? You have some good stories about the girls, but be careful what you say....hee hee.
    Happy New Year to you and your family. I will check in to read your stories. cheers
